Troy Parker

about troy, ceo of codefirm

“The success of new technologies is determined not by the potential value, but on human experience it elevates.”

Troy leverages his 15 years of solution architecture experience to craft human first cutting edge solutions across a wide range of industries, focusing on AI products and services people love to use.

As the CEO of CodeFirm, Troy leads a team of 300+ developers, designers, and project managers to build bespoke products and solutions based on the latest technologies.

  • consulting

    Long term engagements for new technology integration

    Troy provides expert consulting services in artificial intelligence, offering valuable insights into leveraging AI for strategic advantage. With a focus on practical applications and technology selection, Troy guides businesses in integrating AI to enhance efficiency, foster innovation, and make informed decisions tailored to their specific challenges.

  • Workshops

    Group or 1-on-1 strategy meetings for technology roadmapping

    Troy offers interactive workshops that demystify artificial intelligence and provide practical strategies for selecting the right technology. Attendees of these workshops gain hands-on experience in integrating AI into business processes, making informed decisions, and navigating the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence.

  • speaking engagements

    Focused on artificial intelligence and selecting the best technology for your problem

    Troy is a dynamic speaker known for his expertise in artificial intelligence and technology selection strategies. Specializing in demystifying the complexities of AI, Troy's speaking engagements delve into the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on various industries. With a focus on practical applications, Troy guides his audience through integrating AI into business processes, emphasizing the importance of selecting the right technology for specific challenges.

    Troy provides tangible insights into navigating the rapidly evolving AI landscape. Attendees gain perspectives on leveraging AI to enhance efficiency, drive innovation, and make informed decisions. From decoding the fundamentals of AI to offering pragmatic advice on technology selection, Troy's speaking engagements are indispensable for executives, technologists, and decision-makers seeking to harness the power of AI for strategic advantage.

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